EDX UniText アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシー


株式会社NTT EDX(以下「当社」といいます。)は、当社が提供する電子教科書・教材配信サービス「EDX UniText」(以下「本サービス」といい、本サービスに使用されるアプリを「本アプリ」といいます。)において、本サービスを利用するユーザー(以下「ユーザー」といいます。)の個人情報を取り扱うにあたり、個人情報の保護に関する法令及び「NTTグループ情報セキュリティポリシー」を遵守し、このアプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーを定めることでユーザーの個人情報の保護に努めます。



1. 個人情報の取得

1.1. 当社は、次の方法で個人情報を適正かつ公正に取得いたします。

(1) ユーザー及びユーザーが所属する企業・学校・団体等又はこれらを設置・管理・運営する法人から本アプリを通じて提供を受ける方法

(2) ユーザーが本アプリを利用する際に自動的に個人情報を取得する方法

(3) 第三者から間接的にユーザーの個人情報の提供を受ける方法

1.2. 当社が上記の各取得方法によって取得する個人情報は以下のとおりです。










・ユーザーが他の電子教科書・教材の配信・購入サービス等を利用する場合における登録情報のうち、本サービスに引き継がれる情報(ユーザーの氏名、学籍番号(教職員番号)、メールアドレス、入学年度、取得時の年次、所属情報(企業・学校・団体・学部・学科等の名称) 、利用履歴、アノテーション情報、電子教科書及び電子教材等の購入履歴等)

1.3. 本アプリは、その情報単体では個人情報に該当しない属性情報(例:年齢・性別・職業・居住地域)、購買情報、CookieIPアドレス、広告識別子(AAIDIDFA)、位置情報・行動履歴といったインターネットの利用にかかるログ情報等の個人に関する情報(以下総称して「インフォマティブ情報」といいます。)を取得しています。ユーザーが本アプリの利用にあたり当社に個人情報を提供した場合、本アプリは、当該情報と、当該ユーザーのインフォマティブ情報を紐付ける場合がありますが、この場合には当該インフォマティブ情報も個人情報として取り扱います。


2. 個人情報の利用目的

2.1. 当社は、取得した個人情報を次の目的で利用いたします。

(1) 本人確認・認証のため

(2) 当社サービスの提供・改善・開発のため

(3) ユーザーが本サービス・本アプリを円滑に利用できるようにするため

(4) ユーザーからのお問合せやサポートに対応するため

(5) 今後の当社サービスに関する新規企画立案のため

(6) 商品購入時や有料サービス利用時における請求処理のため

(7) 取得情報を集計・分析し、当社サービスの改善につなげるため

(8) 電子教科書及び電子教材等を使った学習方法に関する研究、電子 電子教科書及び電子教材等を利用した講義に関する研究、電子 教科書及び電子教材等に適したコンテンツに関する研究等及び電子電子教科書及び電子教材等の利用の改善・促進に関する研究・広報・販促活動のため

(9) 当社及び他社の商品・サービス、キャンペーン等に関する連絡・提案のため

(10) 本アプリのセキュリティ・不正利用防止のため

(11) 3.個人情報等の第三者への開示・提供」及び「4.個人情報等の第三者との共同利用」に記載される第三者による利用及び当該第三者による利用のために必要となる当社による利用のため

(12) その他上記の利用目的に準ずる利用のため

2.2. 当社では、本アプリ以外で適正に取得したお客さまの個人情報を利用することがあります。また、当社は、本アプリを通じて取得した個人情報とこれらの個人情報とを組み合わせた上で、上記の利用目的の範囲で利用することがあります。

2.3. 当社は、「法令で認められる場合」を除いて、あらかじめご本人から同意を得ないで、個人情報を第三者に提供いたしません。なお、「法令で認められる場合」には、次の場合が含まれます。

(1) 法令に基づく場合

(2) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。

(3) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。

(4) 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。


3. 個人情報等の第三者への開示・提供

当社は、「2. 個人情報の利用目的」で定める利用目的の範囲内で、次のとおり、取得した個人情報を書面又は電磁的な方法により第三者に開示・提供いたします。

(1) ユーザーが所属し又は所属していた企業・学校・団体等への提供



(2) 当社サービスを利用する企業・学校・団体等、電子教科書・電子教材等の出版元・制作者並びに当社の株主である西日本電信電話株式会社、大日本印刷株式会社及び東日本電信電話株式会社(以下「株主3社」といいます。)並びに株主3社の各グループ会社(以下総称して「当社グループ会社」といいます。)への提供






(3) 本サービスに関するシステム運用、機能拡張、新規サービス開発等に関係する協業先への提供



・本サービス・本アプリその他の当社サービス及び当社サービスに関連  する他のサービス・アプリの新規企画立案・開発・改善・管理のため



4. 個人情報等の第三者との共同利用


(1) 共同利用される個人情報の項目


(2) 共同利用する者の範囲及び利用目的

㋐ ユーザーが使用する電子教科書・教材等を販売・管理等する書店、販売店、大学生協その他の電子教科書・教材等の販売事業者





㋑ 当社グループ会社







東京都千代田区大手町1丁目21OtemachiOneタワー6階 WORKSTYLING

代表取締役社長 金山 直博


5. 個人情報の保管と削除について



6. 個人情報取扱業務の委託について

6.1. 当社は、取得した個人情報の取扱業務の全部又は一部を外部委託することがあります。この場合、当社は当該委託先に対して必要かつ適切な監督を行います。

6.2. 当社は、本サービスを利用する企業・学校・団体等や当社グループ会社から個人情報の取扱業務の全部または一部を委託された場合、当該業務の遂行のために、当該個人情報を取り扱います。


7. 個人情報の開示等の申請に関する手続

7.1. 当社は、取得した個人情報に関して、ご本人又はその代理人から、利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正、追加又は削除、利用の停止、消去及び第三者への提供の停止について請求等(以下、「開示等の請求等」といいます。)をいただいた場合には、遅滞なく対応いたします。なお、当社は、関係法令に基づき、開示等の請求等をお断りする場合がありますので、予めご了承ください。

7.2. 開示等の請求等をご希望の場合、当社お問合窓口までお問い合わせください。受付手続についての詳細は、お問い合わせいただいた際にご案内いたします。なお、手続にあたっては、ご本人を確認できる書類をご提出いただきます(代理人による手続にあたっては、ご本人及び代理人のそれぞれについて、当該書類をご提出いただきます。)。


8. アプリケーション・プライバシーポリシーの変更



9. 個人情報提供の任意性と提供サービスの範囲



10. 個人情報の取扱に関する窓口


【お問合せ先】株式会社NTT EDX 

OtemachiOneタワー6階 WORKSTYLING








EDX UniText Application Privacy Policy


NTT EDX CORPORATION ("NTT EDX") strives to protect user’s personal information by establishing this Application Privacy Policy and complies with the laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information and "NTT Group Information Security Policy", in handling personal information of the user (“User” ) of the EDX UniText ("Service", and the application used for Service, "Application"), the electronic textbook and teaching material distribution service.

NTT EDX will thoroughly inform all its officers and employees of this Application Privacy Policy and ensure its implementation, and will review and continuously improve NTT EDX's personal information management system in response to changes in social needs related to the protection of personal information.


1. Acquisition of Personal Information

1.1. NTT EDX obtains personal information in a proper and fair manner by the following methods.

(1) Method provided through Application from User and companies, schools, organizations, etc. to which User belongs to, or the corporation that establishes, manages, or operates such institution.

(2) Method of automatically acquiring personal information when User uses Application.

(3) Method of receiving personal information of User indirectly from a third party.

1.2. Personal information that NTT EDX acquires through each of the above acquisition methods is as follows.

Method of Acquisition

Personal Information to be Acquired

(1) Method provided through Application from User and companies, schools, organizations, etc. to which User belongs to, or the corporation that establishes, manages, or operates such institution.

User's name, student ID number (or employment ID number), email address, year of enrollment, year at acquisition, and affiliation information (name of companies, schools, organizations, faculty, department, etc.)


(2) Method of automatically acquiring personal information

Records of User's use of the services (usage log of  the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, annotation information, and failure log of Application.)

(3) Method of receiving personal information indirectly from a third party

Information on electronic textbooks and teaching materials purchased by User.

Information that will be handed over to this service from the registered information of other electronic textbooks and materials services used by Users (including, but not limited to, User's name, student ID number (or employment ID number), email address, year of enrollment, year at acquisition, affiliation information (name of companies, schools, organizations, faculty, department, etc.), usage logs, annotation information, the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials purchase history)

1.3. Application acquires information related to individuals such as attribute information (e.g. age, gender, occupation, area of residence), purchase information, cookies, IP address, advertising identifiers (AAID and IDFA), and log information related to the Internet use such as location information and activity history that are not considered personal information by itself (“Informative Information”). If User provides personal information to NTT EDX in relation to the use of Application, Application may associate such personal information with User's informative information. In this case, Informative Information will also be treated as personal information.


2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

2.1. NTT EDX will use the personal information obtained for the following purposes.

(1) For identity verification and authentication.

(2) To provide, improve and develop any of NTT EDX’s services.

(3) To enable User to use Service and Application smoothly.

(4) To respond to inquiries by User and to provide User with user support.

(5) For new planning for any of NTT EDX’s future services.

(6) For billing purpose when User’s purchasing goods or using paid services.

(7) Collecting and analyzing acquired information to improve any of NTT EDX’s services.

(8) For research on learning methods using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials , research on lectures using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, research on content suitable for the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, etc., and research, public relations and sales promotion activities to improve and promote the use of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials.

(9) For the purpose of communication and proposals related to products, services or campaigns, etc. of NTT EDX or other companies.

(10) For security and prevention of unauthorized use of Application.

(11) For use by a third party described in Section 3 (Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information, etc. to Third Parties) and Section 4 (Joint Use of Personal Information, etc. with Third Parties) and for use by NTT EDX that is necessary for such third party's use.

(12) For other purposes equivalent to the above-mentioned purposes of use.

2.2.  NTT EDX may use User’s personal information that has been properly obtained outside the use of Application. In addition, NTT EDX may use such personal information obtained outside the use of Application in combination with personal information obtained through Application within the scope of the purpose of use described above.

2.3. NTT EDX will not provide personal information to third parties other than those to whom the consent of User has been obtained in advance, except for the "cases permitted by laws and regulations". “Cases permitted by laws and regulations” include the following cases.

(1) Cases under laws and regulations.

(2) Cases where it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of a person and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal.

(3) Cases where it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound upbringing of children, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the principal.

(4) When it is necessary to cooperate in the execution of affairs prescribed by laws and regulations by a national organ, a local government, or an entity entrusted thereby, and obtaining the consent of the principal is likely to hinder the execution of said affairs.


3. Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information, etc. to Third Parties

NTT EDX will disclose or provide the personal information obtained to third parties in writing or by electromagnetic means within the scope of the purpose of use specified in Section 2. (Purpose of Use of Personal Information) as follows.

(1) Provision to companies, schools, organizations, etc. to which User belongs or used to belong.
[Personal Information to be Provided]
The name of User, information on electronic textbooks and teaching materials purchased by  User, usage log of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, annotation information, and other information that is necessary to achieve the following purpose of provision.
[NTT EDX’s Purpose of Provision]
To share and analyze the usage status, results, etc., of Service by Users .
To provide feedback on User’s learning, based on User's learning status, course completion status, and other User's usage history and annotation information to faculty and staff of schools, including higher education institutions; to conduct research on learning methods using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, research on lectures using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, and research on content suitable for the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials; and to conduct research and public relations and sales promotion activities to improve and promote the use of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials.

To provide feedback on User’s learning to User, to provide information on the designated electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials to User, to distribute the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials to User, and to provide the other services to User.

 (2) Provision to companies, schools, organizations, etc. using any of NTT EDX’s service, publishers and producers of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, and NTT EDX’s shareholders NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WEST CORPORATION, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., and NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE EAST CORPORATION ("Three Shareholders") and the group companies of each of Three Shareholders (collectively "NTT EDX 's Group Companies").
[Personal Information to be Provided]
User’s name, information on electronic textbooks and teaching materials purchased by User, usage log of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, annotation information (the information provided to publishers and producers is limited to information related to the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials published or produced by such publishers and producers).
[NTT EDX’s Purpose of Provision]
To share and analyze the usage status, results, etc., of Services by Users; to conduct research on learning methods using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, research on lectures using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, and research on content suitable for the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials; and to conduct research and public relations and sales promotion activities to improve and promote the use of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials.
For marketing analysis.

   ・For new planning, development, improvement, and management of any NTT EDX’s services, Application, and other related services provided by NTT EDX or its suppliers.

(3) Provision to business partners related to system operation and function expansion related to Service, and development of new service, etc.

[Personal Information to be Provided]

Usage log of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, annotation information, failure log of Application and other information that is necessary to achieve the following purpose of provision.

[NTT EDX’s Purpose of Provision]

For marketing analysis.

For new planning, development, improvement, and management of Service, Application, other NTT EDX’s service and any other service and application related to NTT EDX’s services.

For smooth system operation and response in the event of a failure.


4. Joint Use of Personal Information, etc. with Third Parties

NTT EDX will share personal information within the following scope in order to achieve the following purposes.

(1) Items of personal information to be used jointly:

User's account information and name, name of companies, schools, organizations faculty, department, etc. to which User belongs, student ID number (or employment ID number), usage log of electronic textbooks, electronic teaching materials, etc., annotation information, purchase history of electronic textbooks, etc. (all of which are limited to the information on User within the scope of collaboration between NTT EDX and the parties listed in (2) below.)

(2) Scope of joint users and purpose of use:

aBookstores, sales outlets, university co-ops, and other distributors of electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials that sell and manage electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials used by User.

[Purpose of Use]

To account setup and system environment configuration by NTT EDX or joint users.

To share and analyze the usage status, results, etc., of Services by Users; to conduct research on learning methods using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, research on lectures using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, and research on content suitable for the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials; and to conduct research and public relations and sales promotion activities to improve and promote the use of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials.

For marketing analysis

bNTT EDX 's Group Companies

[Purpose of Use]

To share and analyze the usage status, results, etc., of Services by Users; to conduct research on learning methods using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, research on lectures using the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials, and research on content suitable for the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials; and to conduct research and public relations and sales promotion activities to improve and promote the use of the electronic textbooks and electronic teaching materials.

For marketing analysis

     For new planning, development, improvement, and management of Service, Application, other NTT EDX’s service and any other service and application related to NTT EDX’s services.

(3) Person responsible for the management of Joint Use :

 NTT EDX Corporation

2-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 0004, Japan

In WORKSTYLING on the 6th floor of OtemachiOne Tower

Naohiro Kanayama, President and Representative Director


5. Storage and Deletion of Personal Information

Personal information obtained by NTT EDX may be deleted after a certain period of time from such determination if NTT EDX determines that it is no longer necessary to continuously retain such personal information.


6. Outsourcing for Processing of Personal Information

6.1. NTT EDX may outsource all or part of the processing of personal information obtained. In this case, NTT EDX will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the outsourced subcontractor.

6.2. When all or part of the processing of personal information is entrusted to NTT EDX by companies, schools, organizations, etc. using Service or by NTT EDX’s Group Companies, NTT EDX will process the entrusted personal information in order to carry out the entrusted business.


7. Procedures of Applications for Disclosure of Personal Information

7.1. NTT EDX will respond without delay to any requests (“Request”) from User or his/her representative for the notification of purpose of use, or disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties for personal information in regard to the personal information obtained. Please note that, as the case may be, NTT EDX will decline requests for disclosure in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

7.2. If you wish to make Request, please contact NTT EDX’s contact center. The details of the application procedure will be informed upon inquiry. To proceed with the application, User will need to submit a document that can confirm its identity (in case of the request by an agent, NTT EDX will ask User to submit such documents for both User and the agent).


8. Modification of Application Privacy Policies

To the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act, NTT EDX may change all or part of this Application Privacy Policy. If changed, Application Privacy Policy after the change will be displayed on Application. The revised Application Privacy Policy will take effect when it is displayed on Application, unless otherwise specified by NTT EDX.


9. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information and Scope of Services

The provision of User’s personal information through Application is voluntary based on your decision. However, please note that the use of Service may be restricted if the personal information required for the provision of Service, etc. is not provided.


10. Contact Information for Management of Personal Information

The personal information manager related to Application is as follows. If User has any questions about its personal information provided, please contact us as indicated below.

[Contact] NTT EDX Corporation
2-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 0004, Japan

In WORKSTYLING on the 6th floor of OtemachiOne Tower
(Email address) contact@nttedx.co.jp




Established: March 11, 2022

July 1,2023